What if you never come down? The 90s clubbers who wouldn’t let the night end – a picture essay


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In the late 1990s, Mischa Haller began taking pictures of British nightlife during the hours after the clubs had shut – from drunken revellers scoffing pizza to ravers blissed out on the beach

It is in the early hours of the morning that one of modern life’s most familiar questions faces you: should we call it a night now, or push on through into the next day? The people in Not Going Home, a new photo book by Mischa Haller, have all taken the second option. Some have gone to soak up the alcohol in their stomachs with a pizza or a kebab. Others have wandered off with friends and new acquaintances in the hope that – maybe, just maybe – the night will never end. They finish up on beaches or grime-flecked streets, reading the morning papers as the city begins to stir.

Edinburgh, 5am, August 1998

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