Work Starts On Ashbourne's £15.9 Million Pound Town Centre Revamp


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From next week, the main construction period will start to deliver changes to Ashbourne’s highways and public spaces through the much-anticipated Ashbourne Reborn transformation programme.

Although works will begin before Ashbourne’s Royal Shrovetide football at the start of March, all works will be suspended to allow the game to go ahead uninterrupted.

Pictured: Artists impression of Dig Street

The highways and public space changes, led by the County Council, will pave the way for a more pedestrian-friendly town centre. They are part of an overall £15.9m scheme that aims to bring back vibrancy, vitality and economic prosperity to Ashbourne town centre, with £13.4m UK government funding and the rest raised locally by project partners.

A second project, The Link Community Hub, led by Ashbourne Methodist Church, will provide a range of new services to residents, businesses and visitors across Ashbourne.

Although it isn’t possible to carry out the town centre transformation work without some disruption, when Ashbourne Reborn is finished visitors will enjoy a safe and welcoming town centre, with wider pavements and improved crossings. The Market Place, Victoria Square, Shrovetide Walk and Millenium Square will be ready for many years to come to host the town's popular programme of outdoor events, like StreetFest and the Lantern Parade, as well as setting the scene for exciting new events.

Roadworks will start on the south section of Dig Street, from the junction with King Edward Street to the junction by the Shawcroft Centre. All works will be suspended for the Royal Shrovetide football game in early March, before starting again on the northern section of Dig Street. Although the road will be closed to traffic while works are taking place, access will be maintained for pedestrians and deliveries. Businesses will be open, and visitors are encouraged to visit shops, cafes and bars as usual while observing any safety barriers.

A short diversion for cars and light vehicles will be in place along King Edward Street, Station Road and Church Street.

Councillor Simon Spencer, Chair of the Highways and Public Realm Project Board, and Derbyshire County Council’s Deputy Leader, said:

“I am pleased that we are shortly about to start work. Although we realise there will be some inconvenience as the work progresses, the results will make the town centre a much better place for local people and our visitors.

“Rest assured though, that we will pause all the works for Shrovetide and then carry on afterwards.”

The Ashbourne Reborn programme is led by Derbyshire Dales District Council working with Derbyshire County Council and Ashbourne Methodist Church as key delivery partners, in collaboration with Ashbourne Town Team, Ashbourne Town Council and AshCom who brought forward project ideas, identified opportunities and raised match funding for the bid.

The first of two main projects is led by the County Council and will transform a series of public spaces including the Market Place, Victoria Square, Millennium Square and Shrovetide Walk. Changes to the highways and public spaces will celebrate the town’s heritage while enabling a wide variety of future events to bring new life to the centre of town. Works to the road network on Dig Street, St John Street, Church Street, Station Road and Buxton Road will help transform the pedestrian experience in Ashbourne, making people feel safer and reducing the dominance of traffic and its impact on the town.

The second project, The Link Community Hub, led by Ashbourne Methodist Church, will provide a range of new services to residents, businesses and visitors across Ashbourne. The project will transform the existing church buildings on the corner of Church Street and Station Road, where a new foyer will link three current buildings into one accessible suite with event space for performing arts, new flexible workspace for community and business use and quality, affordable visitor accommodation. The church, which is a registered charity, has committed to raising significant match funding towards the redevelopment.

To receive email updates, sign up for the newsletter at the District Council website (tick the box for Ashbourne Reborn), or visit the Ashbourne Reborn website for the latest news, FAQs and detailed information about the project. To follow on social media, find Ashbourne Reborn on Facebook and Instagram.
