Terry Gilliam: ‘Robin Williams was one of the most stunning people I’ve ever met’


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The film-maker answers your questions on his famous collaborators, whether Brazil is a Christmas movie – and what he really thinks about baked beans

Variety falsely announced your death in 2015 with the headline “Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam dies at XXX”. How did the news reach you? DoubleRDiner
I saw it online. I couldn’t believe I died in a Vin Diesel movie! I thought it was very funny. My family were a little more concerned. My son went into work and his boss said: “Oh, Harry, I’m so sorry for your father’s death,” and Harry knew nothing about the fact that I had died. They have the obituaries ready to go for anybody halfway known. Whoever pushed the button, it was a big mistake. I got on to my agent and lawyer and said: “What do we do about this?” but they were really boring. I said: “I’m going to write to Variety and explain the harm, pain and anguish they caused my family.” I elaborated ever so slightly. I said: “I’d been on a plane, my wife and daughter were in France and my son was out of touch,” which was true. I wrote to them: “It’s one thing to read your own obituary, but it was as bad as your reviews of my films.” I added: “Since you caused so much anguish, what would be lovely is if you would offer me a case of Chateau Margaux.” In the end, they did send a case of Chateau Margaux, but it was a bad year.

Quentin Tarantino cites you as his champion and says you gave him the best piece of directing advice he ever got. Did you discuss directing one of his screenplays? MarkFilmgoer
It was at the Sundance Institute, where they team young film-makers with three older directors. I’d read the script of Reservoir Dogs and was blown away. The other two professional directors – Stanley Donen and Volker Schlöndorff – didn’t get the script. Quentin had shot a little scene but it was overshot – too many angles, too much everything. I talked to him and said: “Here’s the deal. Surround yourself with really good people that you trust, who are more experienced than you, and listen to& them. It makes such a difference.” Now, he’s so successful and famous that I can’t even get him on the phone. I love watching his movies. I think he’s utterly brilliant, but I don’t think it& would be a good marriage, he being him and me being me.

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