It Ends With A Down'ards Win 1 - 0 And The Echo Pop Goes To


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That's Shrovetide done and dusted for another year, well done to the Down'ards who won this years bragging rights, beating the Up'ards with a goal scored by Martyn Taylor (pictured below) it ended 1 - 0, and now the game has officially concluded it's time to announce the winner of our cool ‘Echo Pop, thanks to Smart Gas.

(Image Down'ard Goal Scorer Marytn Taylor)

Correctly predicting the final score and winning themselves that 'Echo Pop' is: Steph Lomas well done to you and of course the Down'ards

Big thank you to everone for entering and keep checking back for more chances to win, and finally sincere thanks and homage to our die-hard team of Shrovetide reporters who helped bring the game alive all pictured below.

See you next year, and remember to spread the word about your favourite smart new radio station 'The Dove' just say 'alexa open dove radio'
