‘I bet Drake heard it and laughed’: BBL Drizzy is the real winner of the Drake-Kendrick feud


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The comedian Willonious Hatcher’s parody song is a phenomenon in its own right, with artists around the world creating their own versions

Over the last month, the Drake v Kendrick Lamar rap battle has dominated the discourse in music and culture so completely that even a parody offshoot track about the rap battle has become a hit. BBL Drizzy, a song with Motown-style production and 70s soul album cover, has become a vehicle for anyone to join in on the fun of dissing Drake. The song features a Levi Stubbs-like character braying the lines: “I’m thicker than a snicker / I’m thicker than you, ninja / Don’t act like you don’t know me / These yams deserve a trophy / Baby it ain’t no mystery / Got the best BBL in history”

“It’s so ridiculous and over the top,” says Willonius Hatcher, the comedian behind the song. “You can’t help but laugh.”

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