Crossword roundup: where Abba meet the RNLI

Guardian Crossword

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword 61 Views comments

An anniversary is celebrated and the word ‘biannual’ is shunned in our pick of the best of the broadsheets

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. The setter’s name often links to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

2d Biden perhaps wrongly pretends to retain information primarily (9)
[ wordplay: anagram of (‘wrongly’) PRETENDS, containing (‘to retain’) first letter of (‘primarily’) INFORMATION ]
[ PRESDENT containing I ]
[ definition: Biden perhaps ]

24a Help ex-president Trump, losing seat (4)
[ wordplay: ex-president (in nickname form) + TRUMP – synonym for ‘seat’ ]
[ definition: help ]

14a Ancient byre repairs happening very infrequently (11)
[ wordplay: anagram of (‘repairs’) ANCIENTBYRE ]
[ definition: happening very infrequently ]

And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

2d In duck way to produce quack? (9)
[ wordplay: synonym for ‘in’ + cricketing sense of ‘duck’ + synonym for ‘way’ ]
[ HOME + O + PATH ]
[ definition: quack? ]

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