Crossword roundup: looking forward to by-elections?

Guardian Crossword

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword 87 Views comments

Topical references from last year and from the one to come in our pick of the best of the broadsheets’ cryptic clues

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. The setter’s name often links to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

26d Day on drug for peer accused of misdeeds (4)
[ wordplay: abbrev. for a day of the week + slang for a kind of drug ]
[ MON + E ]
[ definition: peer accused of misdeeds ]

1a Notice Selby upset – these votes can be significant (2-9)
[ wordplay: anagram of (‘upset’) NOTICESELBY ]
[ definition: these votes can be significant ]

20d Bloomers dropped, pulled up to cover bare bum (6)
[ wordplay: synonym for ‘dropped’, reversed (‘pulled up’), containing (‘to cover’) BUM without first & last letters (‘bare’) ]
[ backwards SPILT containing U ]
[ definition: flowers ]

29a 45 minutes, perhaps, then popular papers upset Harry?
[ wordplay: three-quarters of the word HOUR (‘45 minutes’) + synonyms for ‘popular’ and ‘papers’ reversed (‘upset’) ]
[ HOU + reversed IN & ID ]
[ definition: Harry? (as an example) ]

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