Crossword roundup: jellyfish and other non-fish

Guardian Crossword

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword 94 Views comments

‘Fish’ that aren’t fish and fish that aren’t called ‘fish’ feature in our pick of the best of the broadsheets’ cryptics

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. There is often a link via the setter’s name to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

4d Perhaps Shell’s about to get penalty, right? (7)
[ wordplay: abbrev. for “about” + synonym for “penalty” + abbrev. for “right” ]
[ RE + FINE + R ]
[ definition: perhaps Shell ]

26a European PM moving back to the front (5)
[ wordplay: first name of prime minister, with last letter moved to the front ]
[ definition: European ]

10a Marine life in sea adjacent to America (6)
[ wordplay: nickname for a sea + abbrev. indicating “America”]
[ MED + USA ]
[ definition: marine life ]

And most people know that lampreys, sharks, rays, eels, seahorses, and other strange-looking aquatic creatures are fishes, while shellfish, cuttlefish, starfish, crayfish and jellyfish (despite their names) are not fishes.

13a Lacking direction, driver ultimately unable to deliver milk (10)
[ wordplay: last letter (“ultimately”) of DRIVER + adjective describing one unable to lactate ]
[ definition: lacking direction ]

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