Crossword roundup: cocktails and piranhas

Guardian Crossword

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword 92 Views comments

Plus topical politics and football in our pick of the best of the cryptic clues

In the sample clues below, the links take you to explainers from our beginners series. There is often a link via the setter’s name to an interview with him or her, in case you feel like getting to know these people better.

5d In disagreement, a certain VAR almost entirely inaccurate (2,8)
[ wordplay: anagram of (‘inaccurate’) most of (‘almost entirely’) ACERTAINVAR ]
[ anagram of ACERTAINVA ]
[ definition: in disagreement ]

10a Perhaps Trump for a term as prison’s foremost inmate? (9)
[ wordplay: first (‘foremost’) letter of PRISON + synonym for ‘inmate’ ]
[ definition: Perhaps Trump for a term ]

21d TV chef James has current drink (7)
[ wordplay: surname of TV chef James + scientific abbrev. for ‘current’ ]
[ MARTIN + I ]
[ definition: drink ]

9a Smooth surfaces, since I’m setting (7)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘setting’) of SINCEIM ]
[ definition: smooth surfaces ]

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