Blue cheese pairings: six drinks that come alive with Saint Agur


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The flavour of this tangy but creamy cheese makes it a versatile companion for everything from wines to cocktails – time for a taste test

A cheese for every cheeseboard, that’s what Saint Agur is. Butter-smooth and ever-so-slightly walnutty: before the flourishes of tangy blue reach your palate, a creamy richness comes forward. Like the best Greek yoghurt or a dollop of creme fraiche, it shouts to be paired with fruit and acidity – fresh pear, apricots, mango. The sharper, savoury flavours come later, gently rolling into view like a morning mist over the volcanoes of its Auvergne homeland.

It’s so unlike other blue cheeses that it can happily take its place alongside another on a cheeseboard. Saint Agur’s balance sits between unctuousness (without being gooey) and blue-veined savouriness. For a moment of indulgence – and we could always do with more of those – pair with one of the following and explore the complexities that each brings out ...

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