All of Our Heartbeats Are Connected Through Exploding Stars review – dreamlike study of tsunami survivors


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Swedish visual artist Jennifer Rainsford has made an at times mesmerising film that follows the aftermath of Japan’s disastrous 2011 earthquake

In March 2011, a six-minute earthquake triggered a tsunami in Japan that killed 18,000 people. It was a devastating natural disaster, but strangely, the tsunami has inspired this calming, tranquil documentary – really more of an art piece – from Swedish visual artist Jennifer Rainsford. It’s a dreamy reverie of a film that drifts along, carried into obscure corner by her curiosity.

We meet three tsunami survivors including a man who has looked everywhere on land for his missing wife, then took up diving to hunt the ocean for her. It sounds like a story from mythology: an impossible, doomed feat of love, a man spending his life searching for his lost soulmate.

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